December 21st, 2024 @ 5:00PM
at The Creek House
A celebration.
Ho Ho Ho! Merry Festivus! It’s time to don your favorite Christmas sweater and prepare your internal organs!
It feels like only yesterday (what I think was?) eggnog was pouring out of the santa claus fountain into Matt's mouth and onto the floor. Such magical times.
You know the drill, but here is a quick rundown of the event:
It starts at 5pm.
I will provide a keg and the bar will be stocked. I keep saying I will learn about things like "bitters," "simple syrup," and "limes." Even if none of those sound like real things. I bought a lot of things from the liquor store, but I never learned anything about them. I have faith that all of you can bridge the gap and make some palatable drinks.
Dinner will be provided consisting of meat. All thanks to Jeremy, The Patron Saint of Festivus Cuisine. Leanne has also agreed to provide some delicious vegetable options (Maybe some baked ziti again... Who knows?). If there are any side dishes you would like to share, please do, but not a requirement. Also, full disclosure, I googled "Fancy word for food" to complete this bullet point.
Per usual there will be a bomber exchange, so please bring a 22-40 oz beverage wrapped in paper and Christmas cheer to exchange (No carrot substitutions permitted). I feel the need to point out this rule is only in-place, lovingly, for everyone's favorite firefighter.
If everyone is well behaved the merriest of all men, Santa Claus, will likely drop by to down a shot or two.
Festivus continues until the head of the household is bested in Feats of Strength. Prepare your most shameful or glorious talent ahead of time and find your place on the docket to embarrass your merry host.
The more the merrier, but please let me know ahead of time so I can plan accordingly. Failure to RSVP properly may result in placement upon the naughty list.
Please let me know if you are planning on staying the night, there are a decent number of people travelling from out of town. Beds are limited, but camping sleeping pads are not.
One final note. This year the North Pole Commission has set a strict schedule that will be followed, so try to be on-time-ish or you're going to miss some stuff. Hopefully that is enough to activate your FOMO, if not, c'est la vie.
Additional activities
Typically there is a concert or some event that magically lands on the preceding days. I'll keep an eye on the calendar and update if anything comes up!
The Creek Haus
14245 SE Oakwood Ave
Please, I beg of you, do not tell Ana de Armas where I live.
Let us know if you'll be attending!